Monday, January 29, 2018

Recently this week I have been reading from the New Testament and trying to understand better the Saviors life. As I read, a certain passage really impacted me in a way that I hadnt understood before, which is in John 10:38. In the past I thought to myself that the Pharisees must have been so blind and so hard-hearted to see such miracles and testimonies and all the while be plotting how to kill Him. While I don't know how I would have reacted in their situation, what really hit me is how this applies to what I am living in my own life. Christ says that "though ye believe not me, believe the works." It made me think of the many times I have disobeyed willfully the commandments that He gave us, or those times I didnt act on an impression and hesitated instead. It brought back times where I have wandered or doubted or simply felt weak and far away from my Savior. Though we sometimes struggle to walk by faith, Christ doesnt just say believe because I say so, but rather that we should believe the works.
What are those works in our lives? How has Heavenly Father shown us evidences of His love towards us? Maybe it is those tender mercies and little miracles that abound. Maybe it is our testimony we felt during a song or talk or while bearing it to others. Those sweet manifestations of the Spirit that come so often as we recognize them. However He speaks to you, the honest and humble seeker of truth will point to times in His life that they can say He has worked in their lives. Those are the moments we must hold on to. Why? Jesus goes on to say "THAT ye may know, and believe."
Those witnesses are to give us knowledge and to lead us to trust our Savior. If we feel far, we can start by remembering those sweet time He has testified to our hearts the truthfulness of His grace and power and goodness, and that will lead us to know and believe again, enough to summon the trust to take that next step and see his goodness abound in our lives. Though I may not live in His time, I can still believe Him, see His works and follow my Shepherd. 

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