Monday, March 12, 2018

This week the scripture that really hit wasn't a particular verse but rather the first few chapters from Acts. Here we have the apostles and they have the incredible charge to teach ALL nations and convert everyone, not just Jerusalem. They are to establish the Lords kingdom here on the earth and do everything they can to move it forward. Thinking about that made me wonder where I would start. If you needed to teach everyone and quickly, what is the fastest way? I don't know the answer but Peter and the others give a response that is very telling. Every time they open their mouths to teach in the first five chapters of Acts that I read this week, they preach Christ. They talk of Him, they testify of Him, they speak of His mission and His divinity. They tell everyone who that man was they saw. They only preach Him, and the results are miraculous. Literally thousands are converted and baptized and join the church and band of followers.
It made me think about the way I not only interact with my fellow human beings and brother and sisters here, it made me think about the way I share the Gospel. It isnt that complicated. We should speak of Christ and strive to know Him on the level that the apostles did, then sharing the Gospel will come naturally. People will feel the knowledge we have of our Savior and will naturally gravitate towards the additional teachings we have for the world. I love Him, and I want to speak of Him more often and come to know Him. Like Elder Andersen taught, if we are ever unsure what to say as we share with those not of our faith (or those that are too) speak of Christ. And as Elder Oaks taught recently, people usually don't want the doctrine, they want the results of the doctrine. Then once they feel those fruits, they will desire to learn the doctrine. 

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