Monday, February 19, 2018

Hello dearest friends. This week I found something in my reading that really impacted me in the reading of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ especially the part where He is taken in before Pilate. Here He is, in front of the most powerful person in Jerusalem. He is the one that has all the power from Rome and gives the okay on all things regarding the Jews. This is the man to fear if there ever was one. Now picture Jesus Christ, He has already suffered beyond anything a man can suffer in Gethsemane for hours, and all night was being beaten and abused and tortured basically and I doubt He slept at all. So here He is in the lowest point physically someone can be in, and here is the ruler of the land and Christ doesn't even respond to his first question. Pilate almost mad asks why He isn't answering if he has the power to kill him. Christ responds, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin." (John 19:11).
Can't you hear the power there? What I take from this is the power that comes from being in good standing with your Heavenly Father, this is the power of personal righteousness and purity which is virtue. He had power when He talked and others could feel it. So much so, that when Pilate was talking to the crowd later he called Christ their King more than once. Later he wrote in on the plaque above His head and refused to change it when the Jews requested that they change it. Pilate truly believed and felt that this man was different, he felt the power when this man talked and knew that He was special. Any man could feel the absolute dignity and regality with which Christ composed himself, for it was power that is not learned, it is earned through His merits.
Not only did I learn of the dignity of Christ but also how interesting it is that Pilate knew that this man was the Son of God. Yes it is sad that he would be guilty of such an offense, but it is also worth noting that even a normal man could feel how special the Savior was and was willing to admit that he believed of the divinity of Christ. Would we recognize Him? Would we be willing to ignore the voices of the world to act upon those impressions? I feel that the two questions we ask and are answered here are 1. What can learn from Christ's dignity in responding? and 2. How are we like Pilate sometimes?
May we choose to live right and may we listen to the testimony of Christ the Holy Ghost imparts. 

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