Monday, April 9, 2018

This week I would love to talk about a simple scripture that really touched me in my personal reading in 3 Nephi 22. The entire chapter is beautiful, and I love especially the tender mercies He shows forth as He describes His own nature. Here we see another glimpse into the true nature of God and His perfect attributes. What really hit me personally were the titles He is given and what those mean for me. In verse 5 it reads, "For thy maker, thy husband, the Lord of Hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the God of the whole earth shall he be called."
Each title here could be the topic of its own library of volumes of evidences and testimonies and yet the libraries would not be able to hold them. What I found powerful was reading each title and asking what that means for me. He is the one who made me, who formed me and allowed me literal life both spiritually and physically and he continues to make me into the man I want to become. He is equally yoked in my life and protects and presides so that I can even call him an equal partner in my marriage. He is glorious and powerful so that no powers on earth combined can stand before Him, and that same omnipotent being that commands armies is on my side when I choose to follow Him. He redeemed me, He picked me up out of the dust and strengthened me to a spot of purity once more before my Heavenly Father. He is the one that can help me and because of His nature and sinless life, He was able to live for me and become the Savior of all worlds. He is our God, He is the God of our enemies, and because of him I can love and see eternal potential in all people and go forth to serve them.
This scripture was powerful to me and I think dissecting and asking what each part means to us is a beneficial exercise that allows the Holy Ghost to instruct us personally. I invite all to do the same, in the name of my mercy seat, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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